Tuesday 18 September 2018



What is Analytics? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=what+is+business+analytics+definition&view=detail&mid=3FF63EC540AC32746C963FF63EC540AC32746C96&FORM=VIRE 

What is business analytics definition https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=what+is+business+analytics+definition&&view=detail&mid=A1651DD1993B916061EDA1651DD1993B916061ED&rvsmid=3FF63EC540AC32746C963FF63EC540AC32746C96&FORM=VDQVAP 

Creating Websites with HTML - Understanding Basic HTML: https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AGKy6NtnKhkHW5nwEA6t0EK6BDQ

Creating Websites with HTML - Introduction to HTML: https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AENC6692zJcPW44SjQGSWHbJvVc

Creating Websites with HTML - Creating our first HTML document: https://mail.yahoo.com/d/search/keyword=tutor/messages/AGl8doUB2GxmW5X7jwcMsM7YhiI

Creating Websites with HTML - Viewing Website HTML in our browsers https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AKs1mM1G07xRW5IHDQbWAIf2G8I   
Mohd-Imran & Sonia

While surfing I do find some We relating training programs, some are endorsed, FYI.

BUSINEES ANALYTICS; Science of Analysis.

What is business analytics definition videos on historical data videos of episodes; Traditional approach; storing organizing, mining, Deductive (rule based), inductive (exploratory/ statistical)), Big Data (structured & unstructured), Analyzing real-time, Hospital readmission, Traffic trends & management, many more:
Analytics Broadly 4 categories; Descriptive (past & present, likely why & what-why now), Predictive (likely to happen & why), Discovery (mining data, correlations, pattern), Prescriptive (business actions).

Google Analytics Academy


Learn analytics with free online courses

Analytics Academy helps you learn about Google's measurement tools so that you can grow your business through intelligent data collection and analysis.

Google Analytics for Beginners

Course Overview

Google Analytics for Beginners shows new users how to create an account, implement tracking code, and set up data filters. You'll learn how to navigate the Google Analytics interface and reports, and set up dashboards and shortcuts. The course will also demonstrate how to analyze basic Audience, Acquisition, and Behavior reports, and set up goals and campaign tracking.
·         Unit 1: Introducing Google Analytics
o    Lesson 1: Why digital analytics?
o    Lesson 2: How Google Analytics works
o    Lesson 3: Google Analytics setup
o    Lesson 4: How to set up views with filters
·         Unit 2: The Google Analytics layout
o    Lesson 1: Navigating Google Analytics
o    Lesson 2: Understanding overview reports
o    Lesson 3: Understanding full reports
o    Lesson 4: How to share reports
o    Lesson 5: How to set up dashboards and shortcuts
·         Unit 3: Basic Reporting
o    Lesson 1: Audience reports
o    Lesson 2: Acquisition reports
o    Lesson 3: Behavior reports
·         Unit 4: Basic Campaign and Conversion Tracking
o    Lesson 1: How to measure Custom Campaigns
o    Lesson 2: Tracking campaigns with the URL Builder
o    Lesson 3: Use Goals to measure business objectives
o    Lesson 4: How to measure Google Ads campaigns
o    Lesson 5: Course review and next steps

GoogleGoogle Analytics for Beginners:                    https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/6

Course Overview

Advanced Google Analytics walks you through how data gets collected and processed into readable reports. You'll learn how to use configurations like Custom Dimensions, Custom Metrics, and Event Tracking to collect data that's specific to your business. The course will also demonstrate more advanced analysis techniques using segmentation, channel reports, audience reports, and custom reports, as well as marketing strategies like remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing that show ads to customers who have visited your website.
·         Unit 1: Data Collection and Processing
o    Lesson 1: Google Analytics data collection
o    Lesson 2: Categorizing into users and sessions
o    Lesson 3: Applying configuration settings
o    Lesson 4: Storing data and generating reports
o    Lesson 5: Creating a measurement plan
·         Unit 2: Setting Up Data Collection and Configuration
o    Lesson 1: Organize your Analytics account
o    Lesson 2: Set up advanced filters on views
o    Lesson 3: Create your own Custom Dimensions
o    Lesson 4: Create your own Custom Metrics
o    Lesson 5: Understand user behavior with Event Tracking
o    Lesson 6: More useful configurations
·         Unit 3: Advanced Analysis Tools and Techniques
o    Lesson 1: Segment data for insight
o    Lesson 2: Analyze data by channel
o    Lesson 3: Analyze data by audience
o    Lesson 4: Analyze data with Custom Reports
·         Unit 4: Advanced Marketing Tools
o    Lesson 1: Introduction to remarketing
o    Lesson 2: Better targeting with Dynamic Remarketing
o    Lesson 3: Course Summary

Google Analytics for Power Users:              https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/9

Course Overview

Google Analytics for Power Users builds on learners' advanced understanding of Google Analytics. Now that you're familiar with the range of features Analytics offers, put your knowledge into action. Learn and practice techniques for comparing users who convert with those who don't, analyzing traffic sources that bring the most value, customizing channels for increased actionability, identifying top performing content on your site, and improving ecommerce performance. If you’re new to Google Analytics, you should first complete Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics on Analytics Academy.
·         Unit 1: Understand users
o    Lesson 1: Course Intro
o    Lesson 2: Which users are converting and which aren't?
o    Lesson 3: How can you see which platforms to develop or optimize for?
·         Unit 2: Attract high-value traffic
o    Lesson 1: Which traffic sources bring in the most value?
o    Lesson 2: How can you customize your channels for increased actionability?
o    Lesson 3: When should you send your newsletter emails?
·         Unit 3: Improve site engagement
o    Lesson 1: What KPIs should you use for your content site?
o    Lesson 2: Which pages are helping conversions?
·         Unit 4: Improve product performance
o    Lesson 1: How can you drive more product purchases?
o    Lesson 2: Which products are performing the best and worst on your site?
o    Lesson 3: Where are people dropping out of your checkout process?
o    Lesson 4: Course Summary

Getting Started With Google Analytics 360:


Course Overview

Getting Started With Google Analytics 360 walks you through how you can take advantage of the enterprise-level features you gain from Analytics 360. You'll learn about advanced features such as Roll-Up Reporting, Custom Funnels, Unsampled Reports, and Custom Tables. You'll also gain insight into how you can benefit from reporting with BigQuery and native integrations with Google Marketing Platform products and Google Ad Manager. Throughout the course, we'll provide you with real-world examples to illustrate how you can leverage Analytics 360's features and integrations to drive performance and achieve your business goals. If you're new to Google Analytics, you should first complete Google Analytics for Beginners and Advanced Google Analytics on Analytics Academy.
·         Unit 1: Introducing Google Analytics 360
o    Lesson 1: Benefits of Analytics 360
o    Lesson 2: Roll-Up Reporting
o    Lesson 3: Custom Funnels
o    Lesson 4: Unsampled Reports and Custom Tables
·         Unit 2: BigQuery/GA360 integration
o    Lesson 1: Reporting with BigQuery
o    Lesson 2: Getting started with BigQuery/GA360 integration
·         Unit 3: Google Marketing Platform/GA360 integrations
o    Lesson 1: Google Marketing Platform integrations
o    Lesson 2: Comparing GA and CM attribution models
o    Lesson 3: Understanding key metrics
·         Unit 4: Campaign Manager/GA360 integration
o    Lesson 1: Campaign Manager reporting integration
o    Lesson 2: CM Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
o    Lesson 3: CM/GA360 Use Case and Setup
·         Unit 5: Display & Video 360/GA360 integration
o    Lesson 1: Display & Video 360 reporting integration
o    Lesson 2: DV360 Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
o    Lesson 3: DV360/GA360 Remarketing and Setup
·         Unit 6: Search Ads 360/GA360 integration
o    Lesson 1: Search Ads 360 reporting integration
o    Lesson 2: SA360 Reports, Dimensions, and Metrics
o    Lesson 3: SA360/GA360 Setup
o    Lesson 4: Course Summary
·         Unit 7: Google Ad Manager/GA360 integration (OPTIONAL)
o    Lesson 1: Google Ad Manager reporting integration
o    Lesson 2: Using Custom Reports and Audiences with Ad Manager
o    Lesson 3: Ad Manager/GA360 Setup

The Top 7 Statistical Tools to Make Your Data Shine: 

1. SPSS (IBM): https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=SLBRDF&pc=SL11&q=SPSS%20FREE%20TUTORIAL
2. R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing): https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=SLBRDF&pc=SL11&q=R%20%28R%20Foundation%20for%20Statistical%20Computing%29

3. MATLAB (The Mathworks):                                                       https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=SLBRDF&pc=SL11&q=MATLAB%20%28The%20Mathworks%29

4. Microsoft Excel: 

https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=SLBRDF&pc=SL11&q=Microsoft%20Excel                         5. SAS (Statistical Analysis Software):  



GLOSSARY: Statical Analysis, Correction Analysis, Multivariate analysis, Hyoptheses Testing, SPSS,  

METADATA; https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=METADATA&view=detail&mid=E0BBB937040C3E5D03DAE0BBB937040C3E5D03DA&FORM=VIRE

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=METADATA&view=detail&mid=E0BBB937040C3E5D03DAE0BBB937040C3E5D03DA&FORM=VIRE POWERRPOINT

White Lies & Statistucs: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1626545/6-white-lies-statistics/White


WHAT IS MANOVA TEST? https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=SLBRDF&pc=SL11&q=multivariate%20aalysis 





Analytics is the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance. 

What is the difference between analytics and statistics ...

Analytics is a broad term without a narrow definition, which may refer to almost any type of data analysis, especially statistical analysis, data mining and machine learning. Statistics is the mathematics of estimating parameters of populations based on data from representative samples of 
Statistics plays a vital role in Analytics. Without knowing Stat there is no meaning in Analytics. Stat is of two types. Descriptive and Inferential. Descriptive - numerical terms itself decribes the population. Inferential - with samples you describe the population. After understanding the data Descriptive part plays a role. During Data cleaning it is useful. 
Stat - Data understanding till Data execution
Analytics - Domain till Model results.

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