Wednesday 15 March 2017


Meta Knowledge/ Knowledge Calculus - classification of Action Research

Maths quotes what famous peoples say about math

 MATHEMATICS is a great motivator for all humans.. Because its career starts with "ZERO" but it never end(INFINITY).. 

 If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. 


 Small minds discuss persons. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas. Really great minds discuss mathematics. 

If there is a God, he's a great mathematician.

"If you able to solve the problems in MATHS, then you also able to solve the problems in your LIFE" (Maths is a great Challenger)

Old math teachers never die, they just tend to infinity.

 Maths---> King of Arts; Queen of Science

Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics.

Maths is your friend If you meet with him every day, he becomes your best friend. If you leave for a time he forget you and you forget him. 

''The most incomprehensible about Mathematics is that it is comprehensible''.

Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. 

 Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things. 

MATHEMATICS have Strong Heart! So only, it will face so many "PROBLEMS"!!

 The things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics.

If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.

A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there.

Pure mathematics is the world's best game. It is more absorbing than chess, more of a gamble than poker, and lasts longer than Monopoly. It's free. It can be played anywhere - Archimedes did it in a bathtub.

The more you know, the less sure you are.

"The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence"

Mathematics is the brain's sharpener. 

"Obvious" is the most dangerous word in mathematics. 

Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater. 

Mathematics is the supreme judge; from its decisions there is no appeal.

There is something I don't understand about algebra: It has been around for thousands of years, yet no one has ever found out what the value of "x" or "y" really is.


Mathematics is made of 50 percent formulas, 50 percent proofs, and 50 percent imagination. 

Infinity is a floorless room without walls or ceiling. 

God does not care about our mathematical difficulties; He integrates empirically.

Sometimes it is useful to know how large your zero is. 

maths and life is same,because both contains lots of problems 

The pulse of the earth is mathematics

Mathematics is a game played according to certain simple rules with meaningless marks on paper.

If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy. 

Black holes result from God dividing the universe by zero. 

The person who can solve mathematical problems,can lead life easily ,Maths tellu that every problem as solution...we can find number of solutions for one problem ...Aplly it in the life also we can lead our life happily... 

 Maths is like a fun & game...! the more you play, the more you enjoy...,, also get knowledge....!! 

Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head. 

Well done is better than well said. 

Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.

In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. 

The essence of mathematics resides in its freedom. 

The highest form of pure thought is in mathematics 

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving tommy only two of them. 

Mathematics is like a rain... When we know how to solve it, We will continouosly do it. 

The only world in this universe is 'MATHEMATICS'.

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes, which can be made, in a very narrow field. 

Mathematical proofs, like diamonds, are hard and clear, and will be touched with nothing but strict reasoning. 

 It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician.

Mathematics is the handwriting on the human consciousness of the very Spirit of Life itself.

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