Sunday 20 May 2018

WHAT EXCATLY 2012 WOULD MEAN TO WORLD? Posted on April 29, 2011


What exactly 2012 would mean to world?

This is for Action Research Forum rendering services for Promotion of Knowledge for human development.
What exactly 2012 would mean to world?
Judgment of Prominent Astrologer JENNI;
I know this is one of the questions you ask yourself, what exactly will 2012 mean to us all (many of the people who write to me ask themselves the same question…) and I would like at this point to give you my own opinion:
I think that many of the predictions made for 2012, a certain number of misinterpretations have been used to create anxieties and fears and a certain number of facts have been taken out of context in order boost financial gains for certain unscrupulous astrologers. Given the very extensive analysis that I conducted on this subject I want to tell you this: the predictions of Nostradamus (according to the commentators who interpret his tomes The Centuries), the predictions of the Mayan people and the warnings of various new and ancient prophets with their holy books are in fact very accurate, the end of 2012 marks the beginning of a new era and the very strong planetary movements which we have started to witness prove it, however this new era is not the end of THE world but it marks the end of A world. The old world will make way for a new era in which each of us may or may not take part and I feel that my duty throughout the next two (2011-12) years is help put an end to the anxiety and unrest spread by the prophecies of misfortune which have been spreading throughout the planet. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen to offer these free studies like the one you are reading Madam, to help redress the balance and to clarify the predictions of Nostradamus and of the Mayans which have been completely taken out of context by ruthless profiteers. So yes we are heading for a new era in 2012 the changes are already underway for everyone. Your own changes will begin during 2011, in just a few months time. The doors of the best years of everyone life (everyone) will open and you will become a master of your destiny rather than make you blind follower of circumstances.

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